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AeroWest Mfg Corp can supply a variety of Aircraft Maintenance Tooling & GSE. Some of the products available are listed below.
- By-Pass Pins
- Drain Adapters
- Drain & Fill Couplings
- T/R Pumps
- Tool Sump Drains
- Actuator Locks
- Spoiler Locks
- L/E Locks
- Flap Locks
- Jack Pads
- Axle & Thread Protectors
- Safety Barriers
- Pullers
- APU Tester
- Tensiometers
- Spanner Wrenches
Whether the tooling required is for a basic A Check or a C Check. We can assist you with your Commercial Aircraft Tooling Requirements.
(Tool Leasing Program)
GSE / Maintenance Tooling Repair & Overhaul Services
No Cost Inspection
Consignment Services
Special Tooling Manufacturing
Tooling Upgrades
(Sell us your Surplus Tooling)